Both the recent visits to Tirupathi were with a fine grade of contentment. There s something numinous, out-of-world at Tirupathi. Each time I stand in the queue, I’ll see myself filled with all awe and anxiety as if it is the first ever visit to His abode. Balaji really has that mystical clout. No wonder we see people from every part, not just from India flocking up there. While the Dec visit was stimulated by the Dasa sahitya kutcheri and sangeetha seva at the Unjal utsavam, Feb visit was enthused by a frnd who wanted to ascend the hill on foot. After almost 4-long hrs of strenuous up-walking, the congregating crowd at the hill top was the sight most pleasing. The strain, sprain, twist was all forgotten with the most beautiful darshan and as always by the time I came out I had tears rolling down. I am not quite sure if its the cultural context setting or my delicate attachment with Tirupathi Hero.
The drive to/from Blore was enjoyable. For once my friends and family accepted me as a driver, maybe still a half-driver :).Both the trips were exciting in their own way.
Back at work, this year's project s begun in full span and is keeping me to ma seat till say 6 sparing not much time for gossip and long breaks. However this doesn’t stop us from bitching about the new policies in cafeteria and free food. Catch hold of any person working out here with me – He’ll have loads and loads to engage u with.......only provided u sign-in b4 on time, u get free bf(breakfast not boyfriend), free lunch, and free gossips too! :)
It’s been a time for girl babies everywhere now. Every other day, I see a mail -"Sweets at desk. Blessed with a girl baby". Good going little angels. Time for girls now!!! Time to party :).
Am enjoying my part as an evaluator at NADA's DLP(Distance Learning Programme).Its educative and compelling to read (leave aside evaluating) the views of people from different parts of the world on music. Music has been proving itself a Universal language again and again and a not-yet resolved mystery when it comes to its healing facade. While demanding scientific fallouts to explain the therapeutic facades of music I am afraid our people are greatly ignoring its curative results, seen thro experience and practice, waiting for science to mature.
It’s been quite sometime since I blogged events back to back. This blog is one such rare compilation :-) .Thanks for the patient reading.Hope to be back soon…Until then bye!