Hinduism is not a faith or religion but a way of life.Our practices have their foundation based on scientific spirituality. We can see a mention in the ancient Hindu literature(Eesaavaasya Upanishad) that our idea of spirituality and science are very closely integrated.
Why do we light a lamp? Why do we do Namaste? Why do we chant Aum kara? Why do we draw Rangoli?
All these obvious questions should not be dubbed aside as practices being superstitious or baseless; instead be scientifically reasoned out.
Rangoli - the artistic form of sand painting is drawn to appease Gods and Goddesses. Specially at the time of the festival of Diwali, Rangoli is drawn to conciliate Goddess Lakshmi, who is considered to be the Goddess of Wealth by the Hindus. Those of us who seek scientific rationale for this spiritual practice shall delve a little more to comprehend.
The original and ancient form of painting a Rangoli was by means of pure rice flour. It was not just a reason to abide by Dharma where the insects like ants and the rest living in the soil were fed but also prevented those insects from entering the home. Not just this, but the physical movements that this type of arts demanded helped the ladies to maintain fitness and prevented the growing pot belly! The beautiful pictures hidden behind these Rangolis provided a gate-way to present the talent and creative imaginations of the house ladies who had very limited exposure in those days.
The above reckoning made sense in those days where we had sand entrances to homes; ladies were given very little or no avenues to showcase their talent .But why do we have to paint Rangoli in these cemented days?
In this busy mechanical world when we cannot take time for physical fitness, Rangoli can help a great deal to force us make time to exercise our body; Marking of these artistic patterns would desist thieves from entering homes since Rangoli would ensure the presence of people at homes. This artistic form has attracted a host of Foreigners too. A lot of concentration and practice is necessary to develop this art. Drawing Rangolis helps to improve mental discipline and concentration;
On the lighter side, Rangolis form a fine decorative number for homes.
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