
Monday, April 23, 2007

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Man is too wise a species for this world

What he destroys, he cannot replace, nor can nature, never at this speed. It has taken millions of years for nature to stock up the present supply of natural wealth, but for him, it takes only a few centuries to run thro’ them. Yes, I am indeed praising the greatest homosapian, man for his deeds with nature.
Man is a social, optimistic being. He expects the best out of everything. He not only adapts himself to his environment, but also makes suitable changes in order to make his living more comfortable. As a pillager and predator, he surpasses all other species for he has the ability to comprehend and power of thinking. But, his thinking and creative abilities stand nowhere in front of “unthinking destruction”.

To say, environmentalist is a person who seeks to preserve the natural environment. As days pass, their numbers are increasing and on the other hand, equally or even faster, the environmental hazards are reaching their peak. Many meetings are held to address the concerns; unfortunately every meeting just ends up with eating!

Deforestation programmes are gearing up in such speeds that the entire world is turned into a barren land, a mere desert. There will be no need for our future generation to go to distant Rajasthan to get a desert view.

The major portion of the physical environment is greenery. This is the natural home for several species. Deforestation has made the species homeless. If deforestation continues at this rate, even the most common pets like cats and dogs will soon be in the circumference of extinction and will be seen only in stories and fables.

GREEN, the very colour is a symbol of good health. Green is cool to our eyes.Colour green is of symbolic importance in which ever field we consider. For instance, our national flag has the significant colour green which stands for life and prosperity. Take our busy roads where the signal controls the crazy vehicles; here again green permits us to proceed safely.

“No bird fouls its own nest” but the doubly wise man excels in this obnoxious practice.
Our environment definitely needs to be protected from the cruel hands of man who is almost on the verge of collapsing his world built by his own tiring efforts. Is this not true?

Nature has a great stock of resources. Every child who gets crushed in this busy schedule needs a change, may be, he might find it playing amidst the nature. A child’s ear catches the music of nature. The murmuring of a stream, the sound of frogs croaking by the river bank, the rustling of trees in the forest, all these natural sounds are music, true music. Hence the originality of the environment is to be preserved.
For a poet, the natural environment is of great inspiration. A musician might tune new notes while singing amidst the green environment.

We are responsible to bring back life to our environment. We need to cease environmental hazards with our ceaseless work. By environmental protection, we mean our own protection. Today what is needed is the establishment of high moral values and revitalization of the sense of dedication to our environment. Nothing can cripple our environment if we, people stand united under its banner and remain true to ourselves

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